
Showing posts from May, 2021

Nuclear fusion and fission, Nuclear fusion process, What is nuclear fusion and fission?2021

Nuclear fusion:- When two light nucleus are combined then create a new heavy nucleus then this reaction is called nuclear fusion and loss of mass is convert into the energy. In this process light nucleus is hydrogen and new nucleus is helium. Hydrogen atoms fusse to forms an atom of deuterium and 3.27 mev energy. 1H² +  1H² → 1He³ + 0n1 + 3.27 mev Another hydrogen atoms to form an isotope of helium and produced 17.5 9 mega electron volt. 1H² +  1H³ → 1He4 + 0n1 + 17.59 mev And another helium isotope to form a helium atom and two hydrogen atom. 1H² +  2He³ → He4 + 1H1 + 18.3 mev Nuclear fusion Nuclear fission:- In this process breaking a heavy nuclear into two or more small nuclear and large amount of energy is release. This process is called nuclear fission . This fission reaction of uranium 235 when bombarded by neutrons or neutrons bheem the uranium 235 is absorbed neutrons and convert into the uranium 236 which is unstable and large quantity of heat is produced. This...

Classification of road, types of road, different types of roads

  Classification based on speed and accessibility:- 1. Freeways:-  Freeways are also called as access-controlled highways. Freeways are wide roads designed for fast moving wehicles to travel long distance with high speed. It is generally designed in four lanes. Traffic movement on freeway is continous and unhindered because there are no railway or road intersection and no signals. Access is controlled everywhere in this type of roads the driver never comes in contact with opposing flow of traffic. To separate traffic from other roads freeways are accessed only through ramps. Bridges or underpasses are constructed to create a passage four roads which cross freeways. Parking and walking are strictly prohibited on freeways and they don't have footpath on either sides of roads. The minimum speed limit and maximum speed limit varies from the country by country and it ranges between 45 mph to 75 mph. 2. Expressway:- Expressways are one of the superior types of access control roadway...

History of road development in india , Historical development of road construction , History of road transport

  History of road development:- 1. Roman road:- The earliest large scale road conditions is attributed to romans who contacted an extensive system of roads radiating in many directions from Rome. Appian way which was built by romans in 312 B.C. extended over a length of about 580 km. Features of roman road:- They were build straight without any gradient. An earthed road with a graveled surface. The total thickness of road section worked out as high as 750 mm to 1200 mm . The soft soil from top was removed till the hard stratum was reached. Roman road 2. Tresaguest road or french road :- The next measure development in the road construction occured during the regime of nepolion. The significance construction were given by tresaguest in 1764 and a typical cross section of this road is given He developed a cheaper method of construction then the locally unsuccessful revival of roman practice. The pavement used 200 mm pieces of stone of a more compact from and shaped such that they had...

Transportation engineering, unit-1,Modes of transportation 2021

Modes of transportation:-  It is necessary to consider both people and goods. Humans being has always reminds surrounded by basic medium. Railways transportation ( surface , underground) Road transportation Pipeline transportation Air transportation Water transportation etc. 1. Road transportation:-  Road transport or road transport is a type of transport using roads. Road transport can be broadly classified into transport of goods and transport of people. 2. Rail transportation:-   Rail transportation means  transferring people   and goods  on wheeled vehicles  running on rails, which are located on tracks. 3. Air transportation:-   Air transport is the fastest means of movement from one place to the other. It has reduced distances by minimising the travel time.   4. Water transportation:- Water transport is the cheapest and the oldest mode of transport. It operates on a natural track and hence does not require huge capital in...

Transportation engineering, Unit-1, Introduction of transportation engineering.

Transportation engineering : Introduction :- Transportation means which carry man and materials from one place to another. Transportation is a non separable part of any society. Advances in transportation has made possible changes in the way of living and therefore have a great influence in civilizations. Transportation is the foundation stone of economic infrastructure. It helps in the development of trade commerce and industry. Role of transportation:- Expanding market:- 1. Transportation system reduce the gap between the producer and consumer. 2. Help in production, helps the manufacturer to take the raw material. Create place utilities:- Useful for carrying the goods from the place of it's availability to the place of it's requirement. Stability of prices:- Helps to maintain the price of the goods by providing goods at the proper time and satisfying the consumer demand for the goods. Create employment :- Provide direct employment to transport owners, drivers, machanics, h...

Biological energy sources, What is biological energy , Production of biological energy, What is the source of biological energy , What is biological energy systems? 2021

  Biological energy:-                                         Bioenergy  is e nrgy  made from biomass or biofuels. Biomass  is any organic material s  which has absorbed sunlight  and stored it in the form of chemical energy . Examples are wood, energy   crops  and waste from forests, yards , or farms. (Bio-energy  एक renewable energy है जोकि natural or biological sources से create होती है। बहुत से natural sources जैसे plants , animals , और उनके byproducts valuable resources हो सकते हैं।  ज्यादातर। Bio-energy forest से , agriculture farms से  तथा waste से आती है।) Biological energy sources:-                                                                   The sun is the M...

What is relative stiffness , Relative stiffness formula in moment distribution method , What is relative stiffness whose far end is fixed , Relative stiffness for simply supported beam , Write relative stiffness whose far end is hinged

Stiffness: -  It is difained as the moment required at a joint in a member to produced unit rotation of that joint. It is dinoted by " K "                 M = kθ Unit rotation.  θ = 1                M = K Case.1-- when far end is fixed          K = 4EI/L Case.2-- when far end is hinged      K = 3EI/L Case.3-- when far end is free         K = 0 Relative stiffness:-                 R.S  =  K/4E Case.1-- Far end is fixed .          K = 4EI/L       ,         R.S = I/L Case.2-- far end is hinged.      K = 3EI/L       ,        R.S = 3I/4L            D.F. = (R.S member)/(R.S joint) R.S = Relative stifness D.F = distribution ...

Superposition theorem formula , Superposition theorem , Superposition theorem in hindi , Superposition theorem steps , Superposition theorem proof ,superposition theorem limitations 2021

  Super position theorem:- According to this theorem the resultent stress function for multiple loading is equal to the sum of the effect of the individual loading. It is valid for beams and frames and both the determinate and indeterminate structure. Assumptions of Superposition theorem:- Hook's law valid Supports are unyielding 3.Temperature is constant   Example:- Superposition theorem exam ple 

Minimum potential energy formula , Minimum potential energy definition , State the principle of minimum potential energy in finite element , Minimum potential energy beam , Concept of minimum potential energy in structural analysis , Principle of minimum potential energy , State the principle of minimum potential energy 2021

  Minimum potential energy theorem:- The minimum potential energy theorem state that the partial derivative of the potential energy w.r.t redundant reaction is zero.                                       ∂U/∂R = 0  R =  Redundant reaction ( number of support reaction - equilibrium equation ) If a structure is loaded and there is any redundant reaction then the true value of that redundant reaction can be determined if the potential energy of the structure is minimum. अगर आप किसी भी topic से related nots चाहते हैं तो कमेंट करे।

Strain energy examples ,What is strain energy in structural analysis , what is strain energy in strength of materials , elastic strain energy 2021

These topics cover in this page (strain energy से related सब टॉपिक के लिए भी इसे ही लीख सकते हैं )  Strain energy for Axial loading , Strain energy for Bending moment Strain energy for castiglious theorem What is strain energy:-                                                                      When a gradual load is applied on an elastic body , then the body is strained and work is done on the body which is stored in the form of internal energy. This internal work done by the body in resisting the straining is called strain energy.  Strain energy For Axial loading :-       Strain energy For Axial loading diagram                             U = P× ΔL/2 According to hook's law.            ...

What is slope diflection method, slope diflection method equation 2021

  What is slope diflection method? Here the joint displacement (  θ , Δ  ) are taken as unknown and the joints moments are derived by the force displacement rotation which is called as slope diflection method. Note:-  In this method axial force and shear force effects are neglected and only Bending moment effects considered. Sign convention:- (I) fixed end moment:- clockwise (+) , anticlockwise (-) (ii) rotation:- same above (iii) settlement:-  clockwise positive when rotation is clockwise Anticlockwise negative when rotation is anticlockwise Slope diflection equation:- Considering a continuous beam where A , B are the intermediate supports. The final end moments developed at A and B (Mab, Mba) will be due to the effects of (i) effects of loading  (M̅ab) (ii) rotation of joint A  (θa ).   (M̅ab1) (iii) rotation of joint B (θb)  (M̅ab2) (iv) effects of settlement of supports   (M̅ab3) By the superposition theorem,the final end m...

What is three moment theorem?,Three moment theorem,claparons theorem 2021

  What is three moment theorem?       Three moment theorem express the relationship between the moment at three successive supports. The supports "moments" can be determined by the Three moment equation. It is mostly suitable for continuous beam.  According to this theorem the supports moments Ma, Mb, Mc are evaluated by using the equation.         Three moment theorem equation                 Where:- a1 = area of free Bending moment diagram of span AB a1 = area of free Bending moment diagram of span BC X1 = distance of centroid of Bending moment diagram (AB) from side A (left) X1 = distance of centroid of Bending moment diagram (BC) from side C (right) For example:- Numericals page 1 Numericals page 2 Numericals page 3 Numericals page 5         

Unit load method ,unit load method truss ,unit load method equation 2021

  Unit load method:- It is forced method. It is used for determinate and indeterminate structure.It is a modification of castiglious II theorem. In this method we apply a virtual load/moment of unit magnitude in the direction of deflection/rotation and at that particular point. Unit load method formula Where:- M - Bending moment due to the external applied load m1 - Bending moment due to the unit load applied at that point of deflection is asked m2 - Bending point due to unit moment applied at that point of rotation is asked   

Bettie's law (Rayleigh theorem),What is Bettie's law? 2021

  Bettie's law (Rayleigh      theorem):- When material is linearly elastic, supports are unyielding and temperature is constant Then the virtual work done by P-system of forces in going through displacement caused by Q-system of forces is equal to the virtual work done by Q-system of forces in going through displacement caused by P-system of forces. Limitations :- 1.material is linearly elastic 2.temperature is constant 3.supports are unyielding Example:- Special cases for Bettie's law:- Case -1 :- If theta-1 be the rotational displacement in the direction of M1 caused by  M2 and theta-2 be the rotational displacement in the direction of M1 caused by M1.

What is castiglious I and II theorem and it's applications 2021

Castiglious I theorem:- If the material is linearly elastic,supports are unyielding and temperature is constant,Then the first partial derivative of total strain energy with respect to the diflection/slope will give the load/moment at that point.      Derivative of total strain energy w.r.t diflection Derivative of total strain energy w.r.t slope Where:- U= strain energy P= load M= moment ∆= diflection   θ    = slope Assumptions:- 1. Material is linearly elastic 2. supports are unyielding   3. temperature is constant  Castiglious II theorem:- The  The first partial derivative of the total strain energy w.r.t. the load/ moment will give the diflection/ slope    first partial derivative of the total strain energy w.r.t. the load/ moment will give the diflection/ slope  Derivative of total strain energy w.r.t load Derivative of total strain energy w.r.t moment