What is slope diflection method, slope diflection method equation 2021

 What is slope diflection method?

Here the joint displacement ( θ , Δ ) are taken as unknown and the joints moments are derived by the force displacement rotation which is called as slope diflection method.


In this method axial force and shear force effects are neglected and only Bending moment effects considered.

Sign convention:-

(I) fixed end moment:- clockwise (+) , anticlockwise (-)

(ii) rotation:- same above

(iii) settlement:- 
clockwise positive when rotation is clockwise

Anticlockwise negative when rotation is anticlockwise

Slope diflection equation:-

Considering a continuous beam where A , B are the intermediate supports. The final end moments developed at A and B (Mab, Mba) will be due to the effects of

(i) effects of loading  (M̅ab)
(ii) rotation of joint A  (θa ).   (M̅ab1)
(iii) rotation of joint B (θb)  (M̅ab2)
(iv) effects of settlement of supports   (M̅ab3)

By the superposition theorem,the final end moments will be the summetion off all the effects combined.

Mab = M̅ab + M̅ab1 + M̅ab2 + M̅ab3

Mab = M̅ab + 4EIθa/L  + 2EIθb/L  + 

Mab = M̅ab + 2EI(2θa + θb − 3Δ/L)

Mba = M̅ba + 2EI/L(2θb + θa − 3Δ/L)

It is called slope diflection equation

  1. Bettie's law के बारे मैं जानने के लिए:- click here
  2. Three moment theorem के बारे मैं जानने के लिए:- click here
  3. Unit load method के बारे मैं जानने के लिए:- click here


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