Transportation engineering, Unit-1, Introduction of transportation engineering.

Transportation engineering:


Transportation means which carry man and materials from one place to another.
Transportation is a non separable part of any society.
Advances in transportation has made possible changes in the way of living and therefore have a great influence in civilizations.
Transportation is the foundation stone of economic infrastructure. It helps in the development of trade commerce and industry.

Role of transportation:-

Expanding market:-

1. Transportation system reduce the gap between the producer and consumer.
2. Help in production, helps the manufacturer to take the raw material.

Create place utilities:-

Useful for carrying the goods from the place of it's availability to the place of it's requirement.

Stability of prices:-

Helps to maintain the price of the goods by providing goods at the proper time and satisfying the consumer demand for the goods.

Create employment:-
Provide direct employment to transport owners, drivers, machanics, helpers and so on.

Improve standard of living:-
Helps people to enjoy a better standard of living by providing them with goods of their choice from farm away places or places of it's availability.

Cost reduction:-
The cost of production and distribution can be reduced with the help of efficient, cheap and quick means of transport.

Role of transportation:-

  1. Transport and agricultural development
  2. Costs of goods
  3. Administration
  4. Defence and strategic needs
  5. Tourism
  6. Transport facility and social activities

Role of transportation:-

Economic role of transportation:-
 1. Place time, quality, utility of goods
2. Changes in the location of activities

Social role of transportation:-
1. Formation of settlement
2. Size and pattern of settlement
3. Growth of urban centers

Political role of transportation
1. Administration of an area
2. Political choices in transport


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