Classification of road, types of road, different types of roads

 Classification based on speed and accessibility:-

1. Freeways:- 

Freeways are also called as access-controlled highways.
Freeways are wide roads designed for fast moving wehicles to travel long distance with high speed. It is generally designed in four lanes. Traffic movement on freeway is continous and unhindered because there are no railway or road intersection and no signals.
Access is controlled everywhere in this type of roads the driver never comes in contact with opposing flow of traffic. To separate traffic from other roads freeways are accessed only through ramps. Bridges or underpasses are constructed to create a passage four roads which cross freeways.
Parking and walking are strictly prohibited on freeways and they don't have footpath on either sides of roads.
The minimum speed limit and maximum speed limit varies from the country by country and it ranges between 45 mph to 75 mph.

2. Expressway:-

Expressways are one of the superior types of access control roadways are fully controlled by ramps.The expressway is designed to drive fast, on which we can drive at a speed of 100 km / h.
Vehicles with high acceleration are only permitted in expressways. Heavy load vehicles cargo vehicles padestrians are not allowed.
Parking loading and unloading are strictly prohibited on expressways.

3. Highways:- 
Highways connect villages to cities or cities to cities or state to state or the roads connect the state capital to the national capital are called highways.
Highways are the roads run through the length and breadth of the country. They are generally laid in two lanes. Highways are further classified into national, highways, state highways, urban highways and rural highways. We will discuss these types in location and function categories.

4. Arterials:-
Arterials are the roads laid inside the city or town for the movement high volume of traffic. Arterials road joins the central business point to the outside residential areas. 
Pedestrians  are allowed to cross the road only at intersections or at designated pedestrian crossings. The flow of traffic is controlled by a signalling system at intersections.
Parking is not allowed on arterials roads.

5. Local streets:- 

Local streets don't carry a large volume of traffic like arterials. The speed limit is restricted to 30 kilometre per hour in a local street. local street allow you to properties around it in a simple the road which you to take to reach the nearest vegetables market is the local street.
Pedestrians can cross the road at any point in local streets. Unrestricted parking, loading and unloading of vehicles are allowed in local streets. They usually don't have any divider with boulders but divided with 1m dotted white lines or straight white lines.

6. Collector roads:-

Collector roads collect and deliver the traffic to and from local streets and arterials the speed limit usually ranges  between 35 kilometre per hour to 55 kilometre per hour.
Pedestrians are allowed to cross only at intersections. Parking can be allowed except at peak times.


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