What is relative stiffness , Relative stiffness formula in moment distribution method , What is relative stiffness whose far end is fixed , Relative stiffness for simply supported beam , Write relative stiffness whose far end is hinged


It is difained as the moment required at a joint in a member to produced unit rotation of that joint. It is dinoted by " K " 
        M = kθ
Unit rotation.  θ = 1
          M = K

Case.1-- when far end is fixed

      K = 4EI/L

Case.2-- when far end is hinged

     K = 3EI/L

Case.3-- when far end is free

     K = 0

  1. Relative stiffness:-


           R.S  =  K/4E

Case.1-- Far end is fixed .

     K = 4EI/L       ,         R.S = I/L

Case.2-- far end is hinged.


   K = 3EI/L       ,        R.S = 3I/4L
        D.F. = (R.S member)/(R.S joint)

R.S = Relative stifness

D.F = distribution factor


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