Total stress, pore water pressure, effective stress,Unit-2, Geotechnical engineering

 Total stress:- 

When a load is applied to soil, it is carried by the soil grains and the water in the pores.
The total vertical stress acting at a point below the ground surface is due to the weight of every thing that lies above including soil water and surface loading.
Vertical total stress at height  h,
Total stress
Total stress thus increasing with height and with unit weight.

Pore water pressure:-

Pore water pressure is the pressure due to pore water filling the voids of the soil. Thus
Pore water pressure

pore water pressure is also known as natural pressure or natural stress , because it can't resist shear stress.

Effective stress:

The effective stress at a point in the soil mass is equal to the total stress minus the pore water pressure. Thus
Effective stress

For saturated soil , it is obtained as 
Effective stress



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