
Showing posts from June, 2021

Kaolinite, illite, montmorilonite, How the clay minerals kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite are formed by schematic diagram.

 Kaolinite:- Kaolinite is the most common minerals of the kaolinite group of clay minerals. Its basic structural unit consists of gibbsite  sheet with aluminium atoms at the center. It is joined to silica sheet through the unbalanced oxygen atoms at the apexes of silica sheet. The total thickness of the basic structural unit is about 7 angstrom. The basic structural unit of kaolinite minerals is symbolised as shown in figure. Kaolinite minerals The basic structural units of kaolinite minerals are joined together by hydrogen bond. It develops between the oxygen atoms of silica sheet and the hydroxyls of gibbsite sheet. Since the hydrogen bond is fairly strong, it is extremely difficult to separate the layers, and hence, kaolinite minerals is relatively stable. Moreover, water cannot penetrate through the layers of the structural units of kaolinite minerals. Kaolinite shows relatively little swell on wetting. China clay is almost pure Kaolinite. Montmorillonite Montmorillonite i...

Mixing and Transportation of concrete, hand mixing, mechanical mixing

 Methods of mixing:- Concrete is mixed either by hand mixing or by machine mixing based on the quantity of concrete required. 1. Hand mixing:- Mixing by hand is employed only for specific cases where quality is not of much importance, either because of the important nature of the work or because the quantity of concrete required is less. Hand mixing generally does not produce uniform concrete and hence should not be normally used, unless it is for every small domestic works. 2. Mechanical mixing:- Mechanical mixtures can be divided into two main types batch mixer and continuous mixers. Batch mixes produce concrete batch by batch, one batch at a time. The operation is intermittent. The raw material is loaded at one end and the concrete is discharged at the other end. This constitutes a cycle of operation which is repeated until enough quantity of concrete is produced. Continuous mixers produce concrete at a specified rate. The raw materials are continuously entered at one end and mi...

Curing of concrete and it's methods, Importance of curing

  Curing:- It is a procedure that is adopted to promote the hardening of concrete under conditions of humidity and temperature which are conducive to the progressive and proper setting of the the constituent cement. Importance of curing:- Following are the the importance of curing of concrete. To maintain moisture content in the mix for complete hydration of concrete. To maintain uniform temperature of the concrete. To preserve the properties of concrete, such as impermeability, durability and strength. To reduce the shrinkage of the concrete. Methods of curing:- Sprinkling of water This is useful method for curing vertical or incline surfaces of concrete. The spring can be done in fine streams throw nozzles fixed to a pipe spaced at set intervals. Slogging is done in the same way accept that the slogging nozzles produce a mist like effect, whereas spraying nozzles shed out fine spray. 2. Wet straw or damp earth :- In this method the damp Earth aur sand in layers of 50 mm height ar...

Unit-1 , Estimate ,types of estimate,civil engineering 2021 notes

  Estimate:- It is the process which guide us to determine the cost, quantity, tools, plants and labours which are needed to complete the work for project with in time of completion. The actual cost of a work is known at the completion of the work. Account of all expenditure is maintained day-to-day during the execution of work in the account section and at the end of the completion of the work when the account is complete, the actual cost is known. The actual cost should not be differ much from the estimated cost worked out at the beginning. Estimating material:- From the estimate of a work it is possible to determine what materials ( in what quantity ) will be required for the work. Estimate labour:- The number and kind of workers of different categories who will have to be employed to complete the work in the specified time can be found out from the estimate. Estimate plant:- An estimate will help in determining the amount and kind of equipment needed to complete the work. Estim...

Types of contract, advantage, disadvantage, 2021

  Types of contract:- 1. Lump-sum contact:- This is a single fixed price contract. In this contract contractor agrees to perform specified job for fixed sum. The owner provides the contractor exact specification of the work. In this contract both the parties try to fix the conditions of the work as precisely as possible. Advantages:- Owner is aware of the cost of the project before the project construction starts. It avoids a lot of details and accounting by both owner and contractor. Contractor gets free hand to execute the work. In this contract is used with design construct method of delivery, contractor gets opportunity to use value engineering. Disadvantages:- It is very difficult to accommodate any charge in design and specification. This contract is as good as the accuracy of the contract document. If error exist in the contractor document the contract need to be renegotiated and hence more risk is involved from the owner ride. In the  case of unforeseen hazard during t...

Project life cycle, Objectives, 4 phases of project life cycle,2021

  Project life cycle:- Project life cycle is a framework for managing any type of project. It is a four step process. By which teams achieve project success. Managed by the project manager. Starting the project --> Organising and preparing --> Carrying out the work --> Closing the project 1. Project initiation:- Define and authorised project. Purpose, vision, mission. Objective and success criteria. Schedule and budget Name and authority of sponsor. Checks the resources available with the business. 2. Planning:- Determine the approach you will take and define all the details of how project will be done. In this step the team identifies all of the work to be done. The project x and resources requirements are identified along with the strategy for producing team. A project plan is created outlining the activities tasks dependencies and time frames. Project manager prepare project budget by providing cost estimates for the labour, equipment and materials cost. 3. Implementati...

What is organization? , Types , characteristics, advantage, disadvantage

  What is organization? Organization is a systematic arrangement of people working together towards a common purpose it is composed of a group of individuals acting as a unit for the attainment of an objective.                                    Or Organization is a group of people who work together. Organization exist because people working together can achieve more than a person working alone. It is the idea of putting things together in a logical order.

What is consolidation? , Primary consolidation, secondary consolidation

  Consolidation:- The the compression of a saturated soil under static pressure is known as consolidation. It is occurs due to expulsion of water from the voids. The the soil particles shift from one position to other by rolling and sliding thus they attain a closer packing. The decrease in soil volume occurs not due to compression of solids or water but due to shifting of soil particles as water escapes. Consolidation can occurs due to one or more of the following factors. 1. Due to external static loads from the structure. 2. Due to self weight of soil such as recently placed fills. 3. Due to lowering of the ground water table. 4. Due to desiccation. Primary consolidation:- After initial consolidation further reduction in volume occurs due to the expulsion of water from the voids. When saturated soil is subjected to a load or pressure initially all the pressure is taken up by water as an excess pore water pressure. As water is almost incompressible as compared with soil solid par...

Total stress, pore water pressure, effective stress,Unit-2, Geotechnical engineering

  Total stress:-   When a load is applied to soil, it is carried by the soil grains and the water in the pores. The total vertical stress acting at a point below the ground surface is due to the weight of every thing that lies above including soil water and surface loading. Vertical total stress at height  h, Total stress Total stress thus increasing with height and with unit weight. Pore water pressure:- Pore water pressure is the pressure due to pore water filling the voids of the soil. Thus Pore water pressure pore water pressure is also known as natural pressure or natural stress , because it can't resist shear stress. Effective stress: -  The effective stress at a point in the soil mass is equal to the total stress minus the pore water pressure. Thus Effective stress For saturated soil , it is obtained as  Effective stress   

What is soil compaction? , What is compaction? , Factor affecting compaction

  What is compaction ? Compaction means pressing the soil particles close to each other by mechanical method. During the compaction air is expelled from the void space in the soil mass. Compaction is the process of increasing the bulk density of soil for aggregate by driving out air. Soil compaction Increasin density Increases strength characteristics Increase load bearing capacity Increase effective stress Increase negative pore pressure Decrease undesirable settlement Decrease permeability  Decrease water seepage Decrease frost damage Decrease swelling and shrinkage Decrease erosion damage Factor affecting compaction:- 1. Water content:- With increase in water content compacted density increase up to a stage beyond which compacted density decrease. The maximum density achieved is called MDD and the corresponding water content is called OMC. At lower water contents then OMC soil particles are held by the force that prevents the development of diffused double layer leading to ...