What is manometer, simple manometer, piezometer, U-tube manometer.

Manometer:- Manometers are the device which is used to measure the pressure at any point in a fluid by balancing the another column of fluid. Simple manometer:- A simple manometer consists of a glass tube having one of its ends connected to a point where pressure is to be measured and another end remains open to atmosphere. There are following types. 1. Piezometer:- It is the simplest form of manometer used for measuring gauge pressure. One end of this manometer is connected to the point where pressure is to be measured and other end is open to the atmosphere. 2. U- Tube manometer:- It consists of a glass tube bent in U shape one end of which is connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured and other end remains open to the atmosphere. U- Tube manometer For gauge pressure Pressure in the left column above the x-x P = Pa + ρ₁ gh₁ Pressure in the right column above the x-x P=0 Now Pa+ ρgh = 0 For vacuum pressure Pressure...